Friday, March 27, 2009


Yesterday, last day of each and every things that BOTHERED me since last month. I found out the results that made me weak and of course results that made me feel HAPPY and PROUD. Honestly, this is way more BETTER than before. This time i've been PROUD of myself and say "i made it!" Compare before, I made my self DISAPPOINTED and so DOWN that time. It makes me feel like I can't MOVE ON with my life anymore.

But right now, things are changed. I don't want to feel the same like before, its so uncompromising. A lot of people around me are affected with the way I act. And for that "SORRY GUYS!" Some don't understand me cause I can't explain to them what really happened and what I feel. But there's TWO people who understands everything, my BESTFRIEND ! ^^, She's been there for me all throughout the time that I'm DOWN and don't know what to do. She push me to stand up, and show what I really can do. And the guy above, GOD .. ^^, He's the one I hold to that time. Because I know, he's the ONE who can TRULY understand and HELP me ..

Maybe its a little confusing what I'm really talking about. But all I can give is that, this is what each and every student like me wanted to have.

Now I'm standing up, I've MOVE ON, and learning my mistakes. These helps me to be more STRONGER, to FACE all the PROBLEMS and CHALLENGES that comes and coming into my LIFE.

"If you FALL, LEARN how to STAND UP and MOVE ON. Then SHOW your BETTER than the ONE who FALL."


And that's what I'm doing.


by the end .. its NON-SENSE ! :))

Another school year will end this coming march 21, 2009, that will be our last day. Its a FACT that time was running too fast. I can't believe i'll be turning 2nd year college after i think 3 months. Anyways, I don't really have much to say here in this blog. Its just really NON-SENSE, and I'm just so BORED, and can't do anything but to force my self to do this BLOG. LOL ! :D

This past 2 weeks was so so HAGGARD. I mean there's a lot of SCHOOL WORKS that we had to do. And with our last week, the FINALS week, that's our last thing to be over with it. But as an ENGINEERING student, whoa ! There's still more we have to take it over, our GRADES. oh yeah ! it sucks ! hahahaha .. I don't know, but its TRUE, it really sucks. Especially when our professors say those words that we don't want to hear. Which we FAILED. urgH ! you'll defenitely CRY when its not worthy.

Oh well, i know its not that interesting to know. Just sharing it. LOL !

So probably, i'll end this right now.

Its better if I just SHUT UP. *laugh*

P.S. - This was actually requested by my cousin, NICOLE ANDREA MATHEUS. She said to me to update my BLOG, because she didn't have anything to put a comment on. hahaha .. ayt siz? =)) (ok. honestly my nose bleeds. so i'll end this for real. ahaha!)