Saturday, October 11, 2008

its over !


yes ! 1st semester is over ! yesterday was the last day of our FINALS and CLASS .. Quite sad but at the same time, were happy, and excited with it cause will have our SEMBREAK and take a break for 3 weeks .. Totally were SCARED at the same time .. know why?! cause were afraid of what our grades will be .. ahaha .. Were actually quite confused with our GRADES .. We dont know if we will PASSED the subject or FAILED .. waaaa .. Scary ! ahaha ..

If ever we FAILED, we will shurely be on summer class .. Even we want to enjoy summer by rest and go out of town and outings we cant .. Cause we have to take up the summer class for a particular subject .. grRrr ! dont want to go on summer ! waaaa .. But if ever we have to face the challenge .. ahaiz ..

One of our prof. told us that FACULTY of ENGINEERING of UST is the summer capital of UST .. waaaa .. Were part of that faculty ! ahaha .. Honestly i'm telling you its really hard to get high points in out faculty .. The subjects was very hard .. Were so "PROBLEMATIC !" ahaha .. like a nEw word? .. but yeah .. Totally were so problematic with the scores we get .. Then there was a time that we thought we already dont have problem with the subject cause we know we passed .. BUT its not ! Our prof. told us that we might failed the subject .. waaaa .. It cannot be !

But as the time goes by we said to each other that our prof. was just joking .. Cause we know we passed the subject and there's nothing to worry about .. ehehe ..


ahahaha .. Dont mind about it .. I just make you confused with things .. ahaha .. bad !

Well, hoping will not go to summer .. Cause we really dont want to be there !

yieeee !

ciao guyzs !
Till my next BLOG !

Thankz ! ΓΌ


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